Move from food obsession to food freedom...for good!


Haven't you spent enough time, money and energy chasing after weight loss?

End your struggles with food and your body.



Struggles with food can effect your whole life. 

Thinking about food and your body day in and out takes up way too much mental and emotional real estate.

And if you’re like most Recovering Dieters, Frustrated Bingers, and Burnt-Out Healthy Lifestyle Enthusiasts I coach, you just want to eat like a *normal* person...

...and never EVER feel the pressure and the misery of dieting or restricting food again.

So, here’s the thing: 


Whether you’ve been trying to figure out intuitive eating on your own, or if you’re not even sure how to get started...


Becoming an intuitive eater isn’t just about believing in body positivity, ditching the scale, listening to podcasts, and reading all the books.


You might have done every one of these things – including following ALL of the Instagram influencers - and STILL feel obsessed with food, your weight, and struggling with shame about your body.


Because, if you’re stuck in this (even if you don’t realize it):


(In other words, you might be caught up in a dieting mindset if you’re not actively working to break free from diet culture)...


...then it's nearly impossible to STOP food and weight from occupying your mind, hijacking your emotions...


...and to STOP standing in the way of the dreams and goals you deserve to achieve.


I mean... has it worked for you so far to disconnect from your body's signals about what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat? If you're like most who start working with me, it's a "no." 

The good news is, when you finally step out of the diet mindset cycle, you take back the control of your thoughts around food and your body.


And, you are free to begin healing your relationship to food and your body, and to start living the life you've put on hold with intuitive eating coaching with Dr Satori.

Your Roadmap to Intuitive Eating Success


After 12 weeks of Intuitive Eating Coaching, you will...

Pinpoint Your Eating Habits & Triggers

Clearly recognize your eating style and what gets in the way of intuitive eating.

Identify the Impacts of Diet Culture

Take back your power by exposing the ways that diet culture has affected your life.

 Attune to Your Hunger & Fullness Signals

Become familiar with the ways your body lets you know that you're hungry and full.

Enjoy More Peace Around Food & Eating

Develop relaxation and comfort around food, eating, and enjoying food with others.

Disrupt Patterns of Food Restriction

Break the habit of limiting foods that creates the cycle of bingeing and shame.

Discover What You Really Enjoy Eating

Connect with what you actually like to eat instead of what you think you like or should be eating.

Use Kindness to Handle Emotions

Create self-compassionate strategies to effectively address feelings and emotions.

Feel More Neutral About Your Body

Transform unhelpful thoughts about your body to create neutral or more positive thinking.

Find Ways that You Like to Move

Say "good-bye" to punishing exercise and "hello" to the ways that moving feels good.

Create Experiences of Pleasure

Design mindful moments of pleasure and enjoyment in all areas of your life.

Claim Self-Worth & Self-Confidence

Embrace your innate worthiness and value while building confidence and compassion.

Set Yourself Up for Continued Success

Use your new powerful tools to continue moving forward in your intuitive eating journey.

And most importantly...

You'll discover that food is just food. PLUS, intuitive eating is about way more than food.

Imagine what it will be like to never worry about food again, to enjoy eating your favorite foods without shame and regret, and to start living the life you're meant to live. 

Make TODAY the day that you finally say, ENOUGH!

End the diet rollercoaster, restrict-binge misery, cleansing disasters and wellness plan flops.

Invest in yourself and a program that puts you in charge and gives you the keys to taking your life back.





The Principles of Intuitive Eating

Throughout our coaching sessions, we will focus on the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating created by Intuitive Eating founders Tribole & Resch. 

Each week, you will:

âś” Be introduced to that week's principle and discover how it personally applies to you. 

âś” Put each step into action with guidance and daily practice.

âś” Debrief and get the support you need for any challenges that may arise.

âś” Have your questions answered.

And, you'll change your life, step by step, week by week.

Week 1 - Assessment

Welcome to the Intuitive Eating program! Get started with an assessment to gage where you are in relationship to the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating. You'll also receive an introduction to the process of intuitive eating and how to get started. 

Week 1 - Overview

Welcome and introductions! Get started with an orientation to the Intuitive Eating Group Coaching program, the weekly process, your private Facebook group, and receive an overview of the 10 Principles.

Week 2 - Reject the Diet Mentality

Discover the many sneaky ways that dieting—and a dieting mindset—has become part of your thoughts, decisions and behaviors. Challenge these thoughts and ditch the tools and rules of dieting.

Week 3 - Honor Your Hunger

Connect with your body's natural hunger signals and disconnect from outside influences that have taught you what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat. 

Week 3 - Honor Your Hunger

Connect with your body's natural hunger signals and disconnect from outside influences that have taught you what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat. 

Week 4 - Make Peace with Food

Shift from labeling foods as "good vs bad" and "healthy vs junk," while shifting from feeling shame and guilt to empowered. Give yourself unconditional permission to eat.

Week 5 - Challenge the Food Police

Learn to recognize and challenge the messages and self-talk around food and eating. Untangle your self-worth from your food choices and eating behaviors.

Week 5 - Challenge the Food Police

Learn to recognize and challenge the messages and self-talk around food and eating. Untangle your self-worth from your food choices and eating behaviors.

Week 6 - Discover the Satisfaction Factor

Pleasure and satisfaction bring contentment to the experience of eating. Discover the components of food and environment that create a powerful experience to enjoy and savor.

Week 7 - Feel Your Fullness

Explore your experiences of fullness by investigating a range of sensations. Uncover what it feels like to be comfortably full, and how your body feels when you choose to stop eating.

Week 7 - Feel Your Fullness

Explore your experiences of fullness by investigating a range of sensations. Uncover what it feels like to be comfortably full, and how your body feels when you choose to stop eating.

Week 8 - Cope with Your Emotions with Kindness

Food can't fix your feelings or solve your problems, even if it seems like it at the time. Find personalized, self-compassionate ways to nurture yourself by recognizing and meeting your emotional needs.  

Week 9 - Respect Your Body

Turn your body into an ally with body respect. Explore the realities of body diversity and start accepting your body's genetic blueprint. Grow deeper into who you are by aligning with your body.

Week 9 - Respect Your Body

Turn your body into an ally with body respect. Explore the realities of body diversity and start accepting your body's genetic blueprint. Grow deeper into who you are by aligning with your body.

Week 10 - Movement: Feel the Difference

Make the shift from "exercise" to movement. Instead of using exercising as a form of punishment for eating and to burn calories, create a new relationship with movement that centers on enjoyment and feeling good in your body.

Week 11 - Honor Your Health with Gentle Nutrition

Choose foods that taste good, feel satisfying, and make your body feel good. Support your health with nutritious foods while letting go of "perfect eating."

Week 11 - Honor Your Health with Gentle Nutrition

Choose foods that taste good, feel satisfying, and make your body feel good. Support your health with nutritious foods while letting go of "perfect eating."

Week 12 - Celebrate!

Congratulations, you did it! You are now off to a solid start with your intuitive eating practice. We'll celebrate, review the 10 principles, highlight wins, and get prepared for the next stage of your journey.

Isn't it time to invest in yourself and a future that's free from struggles with food and your body?


Hi, I'm Dr Satori.

PhD, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor & Coach

I've spent decades on-and-off diets. Fixating on my body and weight distracted me from the life I wanted to live and disconnected me from my goals and potential...until I found intuitive eating.

With over 28 years experience in a variety of therapies and coaching, I help people just like you to finally find freedom from food obsession, dieting misery, and body shame, by becoming intuitive eaters. When you feel peace and joy around food and your body, you have the freedom to pursue (and live) your wildest dreams. Let me help you get there...


You've got Qs, I've got As


Still on the fence? IMAGINE this...


Keep doing what you're doing, stuck in a pattern of struggling with food and your body,

OR, spend 12 short weeks building a strong foundation for healing your relationship to food and your body as an intuitive eater.